Plastic Surgery
Abdominal Etching
BBL (Fat Transfer to Buttocks)(With Leg lipo or 360 lipo) (3 hours, 4 sessions)
Total Abdominal Liposculpture (360° Liposuction) (2 hours, 3 sessions)
360 Lipo + Tummy Tuck (4 hours, 5 sessions)
Total Body Reshaping (Abdominoplasty+360 Lipo+BBL) (5 hours, 5 sessions)
Mini Tummy Tuck (2 hours, 3 sessions)
Body Lift (360° Tightining + 360 lipo) (5 hours, 6 sessions)
Butt Lift (2 hours, 4 sessions)
Butt Lift + Implants + Fat Transfer (4 hours, 6 sessions)
Butt Lift + Fat Transfer (4 hours, 5 sessions)
Lipo 1 region (1 hour, 2 sessions)
Extra Lipo Per Region (1 hour, 2 sessions)
Butt Implant (2 hours, 6 sessions)
Butt Implant with Fat Injection (3 hours, 6 sessions)
Incisionless Gynecomastia with NIL (2 hours, 3 sessions)
Cutting Gynecomastia with NIL (3 hours, 5 sessions)
Torn Pec Surgery (Pectoral, Men) (2 hours, 6 sessions)
Calf Augmentation with Implant (2 hours, 6 sessions)
Arm Lifting with NIL (2 hours, 5 sessions)
Leg Lifting with NIL (3 hours, 6 sessions)
Abdominal Etching (2 hours, 3 sessions)
Breast Lifting/Reduction (3 hours, 5 sessions)
Breast Lifting/Reduction with mplants (4 hours, 5 sessions)
Breast Lifting/Reduction + fat transfer (4 hours, 5 sessions)
Breast Augmentation with Implants (2 hours, 3 sessions)
Breast Implant Exchange + Capsülectomy (3 hours, 5 sessions)
Breast Implant Exchange + Capsülectomy + Mastopexy (4 hours, 5 sessions)
Blepharoplasty (Lower Eyelid) (2 hours, 7 sessions)
Blepharoplasty (Upper Eyelid) (2 hours, 7 sessions)
Blepharoplasty (Lower Eyelid & Upper Eyelid) (3 hours, 7 sessions)
Blepharoplasty (Lower & Upper Eyelid & Fat Transfer) (3 hours, 7 sessions)
Full Face/Neck Lifting (8 hours, 10 sessions)
Face/Neck Lifting (5 hours, 10 sessions)
Endoscopic Midfacelifting + Cat Eyes + Temporal Eyebrow Lift (5 hours, 7 sessions)
Midface Lift + Lower eyelid + Cat Eyes (5 hours, 7 sessions)
Forhead Lift (2 hours, 5 sessions)
Neck Lipo/Platysmoplasty/ (1 hour, 5 sessions)
Endoscopic Eyebrow Lifting (3 hours, 5 sessions)
Temporal Eyebrow Lifting (2 hours, 3 sessions)
Chin Prothesis (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Temporal Lifting (2 hours, 3 sessions)
Lip Reduction (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Lip Lifting (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Fat Tranfer to Face (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Fat Juice(Face) (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Bichectomy (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Surgical Otoplasty (2 hours, 7 sessions)
Macrotia (2 hours, 7 sessions)
Primier Septorhino Plasty without greft (3 hours, 7 sessions)
Primer or Seconder Septorhino Plasty with Greft ( Costa - Ear ) (5 hours, 7 sessions)
Basic Tumor Excison (15 mins, 3 sessions)
Scar Excision (15 mins, 3 sessions)
Wrinkles Treatment (15 mins)
Clenching teeth treatment (15 mins)
Filler for 1 cc (Lips, Cheeck, Jawline,Chin,Nasolabial) (15 mins)
Light Filler(Lower Eyelid) (15 mins)