As Medco HealthCo, our mission is to deliver our patients Health Tourism services based on a commitment to patient safety and exceptional service quality at affordable rates. Our vision is to be a premier company in combining healthcare and leisure with the aim to provide a memorable experience through our services of serving patients undergoing medical treatment and facilitating an enriching experience of Turkish tourism and culture.
As Medco, we make a thorough pre-medical inquiry of your treatment and later organize your medical appointments with the doctors upon your stay. We work both with hospitals and clinics that best operate in its service area whose doctors are carefully chosen to give VIP service. Please check our facebook page as : Medco International Centre for Bariatric Surgery
Some of our treatments, but not limited to, are as below:
- and other treatments that have not been listed above
We arrange hotel accommodations, make flight reservations and arrange airport to hospital transfers.
We also provide the following services depending on your demands:
Translation services at the hospital
Guided İstanbul city tour
Customized tours to Istanbul’s historical and cultural destinations
Procedure: Gastric Bypass
Weight Lost: 135 lbs
At the time of surgery I weighed in at 280 lbs. I began to see that life in 20 years was not something to look forward to. I was reborn on August 14th, 2014. My surgery went off without a hitch. I have now lost 135 pounds and have gone from a size 28 to a size 8. I have had a wonderful experience losing the weight and gaining my life back. Great thanks for Medco Int’l Center for Bariatric Surgery.
Procedure: Gastric Sleeve
Weight Lost: 115 lbs
My weight loss success has completely changed my life. I feel so much different and so much excited when gathering with my family and spending time with friends. I sleep so much better and wake feeling active and ready to start my new day.
Medco Int’l Center for Bariatric Surgery has given me a second chance at life. I have so much more energy and feel so much better. My health has also improved; I no longer need to take blood pressure medicine or any medicine at all. I feel I have total control over my life and can accomplish anything I set out to do.
Procedure: Gastric Sleeve
Weight Lost: 115 lbs
Rojeena’s message for people considering surgery:
“Don’t put it off any longer, I wish I had of doing it years ago, it’s awesome to feel good again , I am so much happier, love how it changed my life. No more blood pressure, and diabetes medicines Istopped all my medication I was taking before my surgery. Not short winded anymore, I can walk up to 4 or 5 miles at a time. Dress up nice get lots of complements, my family doctor is so proud of us! Good luck and God bless, I want the best for you all!”
الإجراء: عملية تكميم المعدة
الوزن المفقود : 45 كيلوجرام
عانيت منذ الطفولة من زيادة الوزن فأنا لم أكن رشيقة يوما ما وعندما كبرت بدأت أشعر بأنني لا أريد الخروج مع صديقاتي أو الإجتماع ما أقربائي لأنني كنت دائما أتألم من تعليقاتهم على وزني الزائد فكنت أفضل العزلة دائما علما بأنني قمت باتباع حميات غذائية متعددة بالإضافة إلى ممارسة الرياضة وكنت أخسر بعض الوزن ولكن سرعان ما كان يعود مرة أخرى بعد توقفي عن الحمية مباشرة.
إلى أن قررت الخضوع لعملية تكميم المعدة عن طريق مركز ميدكو العالمي لجراحات البدانه في اسطنبول . لقد تغيرت حياتي جذريا زوتحولت إلى إنسانه أخرى بعد أن فقدت 45 كيلوجرام من وزني خلال ثلاثة أشهر فقط وأصبحت أستطيع أن أرتدي ما أريد وأن أقضي الوقت مع أصدقائي وعائلتي بكل سعادة وثقة بالنفس وسوف أستمر في خسارة الوزن والحفاظ على جمال جسدي. شكرا ميدكو