I'm Nicola Gray-Devine, and as well as being a registered colon hydrotherapist, I'm also a qualified and practicing pharmacist. I'm a level 3 qualified gym instructor, and level 4 qualified personal trainer. I also have a degree in sports science and I'm a former international hockey player.
Colon hydrotherapy or Colonic Irrigation / Colonics is a safe, effective method of removing waste and toxic by-products from the large intestine, without the use of drugs or chemicals. The hydrotherapy colon cleanse provides instant relief from constipation, and helps with a wide range digestive issues, as well as improving many other aspects of our daily health and vitality.
Overtime, old faecal matter can build up in the colon resulting in the peristaltic (muscular) action of the colon being diminished or reduced which results in constipation and inadequate bowel movements.
Colonic hydrotherapy is a safe and effective way of gently removing the faecal matter which may not be otherwise removed especially if constipation is an issue. By gently introducing water into the bowel, this stimulates the peristaltic (muscular) activity causing the bowel to empty itself. It therefore exercises the bowel and improves its functioning. Once the impacted material is removed from the colon, this will allow it to function more efficiently.
Colonic hydrotherapy helps to remove toxic material that has built up over time. If elimination of waste material is poor, this can lead to hormonal imbalances (inadequate removal of hormones), acne, skin problems (eczema, psoriasis) as toxic substances are removed through the skin instead of the bowel. Therefore colonic hydrotherapy can have a number of beneficial effects not only on the bowel itself.
Colonic hydrotherapy can also help with intestinal bacteria issues such a SIBO and recurrent thrush. By altering the bacteria present in the colon during treatment and combined with an improved diet, this can aid in allowing the beneficial bacteria to ‘thrive’ and preventing ‘harmful’ bacteria from surviving and causing havoc on our bodies.
Warm, filtered water is introduced into the colon which helps soften and loosen the waste, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. This process is repeated a few times during a session. The water temperature can be varied slightly which has a profound effect upon the motility of the bowel. It enables water to be fed around the whole bowel, helping to alter peristalsis (or muscular rhythm) of the bowel itself. This helps to improve bowel function, reduce the transit time and reduce toxins by elimination.
Gentle abdominal massage is used during the treatment to aid peristalsis and removal of waste products. Herbal infusions are also incorporated (as appropriate) to assist detox, support liver function and remove gas, this is a complimentary part of your treatment at no extra cost.
The treatment encourages the digestive system to work efficiently and effectively.
The theory behind using water to improve elimination is simple; constipation, or bowel status, leads to higher levels of toxic substances produced in the bowel by bacterial fermentation, being reabsorbed into the bloodstream and then in turn effecting other organs of elimination in the body; the lungs (bad breath), the skin (spots, dryness, eczema), and the bladder (highly coloured urine). In some cases where there has been a long history of constipation, this can cause issues to other organs, intestinal cells, as well as hormonal and bacterial imbalances leading to ill health and symptoms of diseases.
Modern diets, stress and our more sedentary lifestyles have lead to the build up of faeces in curved pockets of the bowel. Colonic irrigation has an inlet for water and an outlet for waste. The water introduced during a colonic helps to soften the stools that may not otherwise be released naturally.