Bone Graft
Bone Graft (1 hour, 2 sessions)
Bone Graft and Sinus Graft (1 hour 30 mins)
General Braces : Upper Brackets/Lower Brackets (1 hour, 2 sessions)
Movable Brackets (per piece) (20 mins)
General Braces : 1s t and 2nd Adjustment (20 mins)
General Braces : 3rd Adjustment onwards (per visit) (20 mins)
Movable Brackets : Adjustment (per visit) (20 mins)
Ceramic Braces
Ceramic Braces : Adjustment (per visit) (20 mins)
Ceramic Braces : Upper Brackets/Lower Brackets (1 hour, 2 sessions)
Damon™ Braces
Damon Braces : Upper Brackets/Lower Brackets (1 hour, 2 sessions)
Damon Braces : Adjustment (per visit) (20 mins)
Space Maintainer (45 mins, 3 sessions)
Orthodontic Retainer
Retainer (per piece) (20 mins, 2 sessions)
Retainer Check Up (10 mins)
Cosmetic Dentist Consultation
Fix Crown or Inlay or Bridge (per Abutment) (1 hour)
Dental Checkup
Impession for Study Model and Consultation (30 mins)
Consultation and Dental Knowledge Provision (20 mins)
Impession for Study Model and Consultation (20 mins)
Dental Crowns
Full Metal Crown (Non-precious) (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Full Metal Crown (Palladium) (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Cast Post (Palladium) (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Transitional For rest Bite (1 hour)
Ceramic Crown (In-Ceramin or Empess) (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Ceramic Crown (Porcera or Cercon or Zeno) (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Prefabricated Post and Stump (Anterior) (1 hour)
Prefabricated Post and Stump (Posterior) (1 hour)
Old Crown Removal (1 hour)
Porcelain Crown (Palladium) (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Stainless Steel Crown
Stainless Steel Crown (1 mins)
StaStainless Steel Crown with Facing (1 mins)
Stainless Steel Crown with Composite (1 mins)
Temporary Crown (per Abutment) (1 hour, 2 sessions)
Dental Implants
Dental Implants
Fixture Osstem (1 hour 30 mins)
Fixture Anyridge (1 hour 30 mins)
Healing Abutment (1 hour 30 mins)
Abutment Fixation with Crown (Palladium) (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Mini Implants (1 hour 30 mins)
Dental Sealant
Preventive Resin Restoration Primary Tooth (20 mins)
Preventive Resin Restoration : Permanent Tooth (20 mins)
Digital Dental X-Ray
X-Ray (Periapical Film)
X-Ray (Orthopan) (15 mins)
X-Ray for Orthodontic Treatment (2 Films) (20 mins)
Denture – Complete on Vitalium Base (1 hour, 4 sessions)
enture – Upper and Lower on Vitalium Base (1 hour, 4 sessions)
Partial Denture – Vitalium Base (1 hour, 4 sessions)
Reline with Tissue Conditioner (per Piece) (1 hour)
Acrylic Dentures
Reline with Acrylic (per piece) (1 hour)
Remove Denture on Acrylic Base 1-2 Teeth (30 mins, 2 sessions)
Remove Denture on Acrylic Base 3-4 Teeth (30 mins, 2 sessions)
Remove Denture on Acrylic Base 5-6 Teeth (1 hour, 2 sessions)
Remove Denture on Acrylic Base 7-9 Teeth (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Remove Denture on Acrylic Base 10-12 Teeth (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Denture – Complete on Acrylic Base (1 hour, 4 sessions)
Denture – Upper and Lower on Acrylic Base (1 hour, 4 sessions)
Dentures Repair
Porcelain Repair (1 hour)
Dentures Repair (1 hour, 2 sessions)
Denture Repair with Added Tooth (1 hour)
Primary Tooth Extraction (20 mins)
Treatment of Dry Socket (15 mins)
Anterior Tooth Simple (1 hour 30 mins, 2 sessions)
Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom Tooth Extraction (20 mins)
Removal of Impacted Tooth (1 hour)
Removal of Embedded Tooth (1 hour)
Band for cracked tooth / unit (1 hour)
Recontouring or Bumishing of Old Filling (30 mins)
Permanent Filling with Composite (30 mins)
Amalgam Filling
Permanent Filling with Amalgam 1 side (20 mins)
Permanent Filling with Amalgam 2 sides (Small) (30 mins)
Permanent Filling with Amalgam 2 sides (Large) (30 mins)
Permanent Filling with Amalgam 3 sides (Small) (40 mins)
Permanent Filling with Amalgam 3 sides (Large) (1 hour)
Permanent Filling with Amalgam 4 sides (1 hour)
Temporary Filling (10 mins)
White Filling
Composite Filling for Disatema (per tooth) (Small) (30 mins)
Composite Filling for Disatema (per tooth) (Large) (1 hour)
Permanent Filling with Composite 1 side (Small) (20 mins)
Permanent Filling with Composite 1 side (Large) (20 mins)
Permanent Filling with Composite 2 sides (Small) (30 mins)
Permanent Filling with Composite 2 sides (Large) (30 mins)
Permanent Filling with Composite 3 sides (Small) (1 hour)
Permanent Filling with Composite 3 sides (Large) (1 hour)
Permanent Filling with Composite 4 sides or more (1 hour)
Fluoride Therapy
Desensitization (10 mins)
Prophylaxis Polishing Fluoride (20 mins)
General Anesthesia for dental treatments
Inlay or Onlay
Inlay or Onlay
Inlay or Onlay (Palladium) 1 Side (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Inlay or Onlay (Precious) 1 Side (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Inlay or Onlay (Precious) 2 Sides (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Inlay or Onlay (Precious) 3 Sides (1 hour, 3 sessions)
Mouth Guard
Sport Guard (20 mins, 2 sessions)
Mouth Guard or Night Guard (20 mins, 2 sessions)
Occlusal Splint (20 mins, 2 sessions)
Adjustment – Mouth Guard or Occlusal Splint (30 mins)
Orthodontist Consultation
Periodontitis Treatment
Stain Removal with Air Flow (15 mins)
Occlusional Adjustment (30 mins)
Periodontal Surgery (per visit) (1 hour)
Pulpotomy (1 mins, 3 sessions)
Pulpectomy (Anterior Tooth) (1 mins, 3 sessions)
Pulpectomy (Posterior Tooth) (1 mins, 3 sessions)
Root Canals
Anterior Tooth Complicated (1 hour 30 mins, 3 sessions)
Remove Broken Instrument (1 mins)
Bleaching after Root Canal Treatment (per Visit) (1 mins)
Root Canal Surgery (1 hour 30 mins)
Re-treatment Additional (1 hour 30 mins, 4 sessions)
Molar Root Canal
Molar (4 Roots) Complicated (1 hour)
Molar (3 Roots) Complicated (1 hour 30 mins, 4 sessions)
Molar (4 Roots) Simple (1 hour 30 mins, 4 sessions)
Molar (3 Roots) Simple (1 hour 30 mins, 4 sessions)
Premolar Root Canal
Pre-molar (1 Root) Simple (1 hour 30 mins, 3 sessions)
Pre-molar (1 Root) Complicated (1 hour 30 mins, 30 sessions)
Pre-molar (2 Roots) Simple (1 hour 30 mins, 3 sessions)
Pre-molar (2 Roots) Complicated (1 hour 30 mins, 3 sessions)
Pre-molar (3 Roots) (1 hour 30 mins, 4 sessions)
Teeth Cleaning
Teeth Cleaning
Teeth Scaling and Prophylaxis Polishing Fluoride (45 mins)
Scaling and Root Planing
Scaling and Polishing (Mild) (20 mins)
Scaling and Polishing (Moderate) (30 mins)
Scaling and Polishing (Heavy) (45 mins)
Root Planing (per visit) (50 mins)
Root Planing (per Tooth) (30 mins)
Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening with Beyond (1 hour 15 mins)
Bleaching Gel ( Extra ) or Syringe)
Ceramic Veneer (per tooth) (45 mins, 3 sessions)
Labial Facing with Composite (1 hour)
Composite Veneers
Composite Veneer (per tooth) (1 hour)
Veneer Facing with Composite Resin (Indirect) (2 mins)
Veneer Facing with Porcelain or Empess (1 hour 30 mins, 3 sessions)