I am a qualified and accredited psychotherapist offering a safe and supportive environment for clients to deal with issues such as stress and anxiety, sexual and domestic violence, trauma, loss and grief, anger management, chronic illness, relationship problems, low self-esteem, bullying, suicide. Counselling and psychotherapy give clients the opportunity to deal honestly and directly with their troubles and to see what's happening in a clearer light so that they can make positive changes. Feelings of inadequacy, blame, fear, guilt and shame can undermine our efforts to sort out our problems and we can fall back on unhealthy ways of dealing with the stress of our situation which sometimes involve hurting ourselves and/or others. Understanding and accepting ourselves, making an honest appraisal of our strengths and weaknesses, learning to deal with difficult feelings and challenging limited thinking can rekindle hope and self-confidence and open a new path towards recovery and personal growth.
Counselling is a shorter term process that focuses on the client's immediate needs and where the client attends every week for anything from a few weeks to a few months.
Psychotherapy is very similar to counselling but the process involves a longer commitment from the client to work on more complex or deep-seated patterns of behaviour that touch on buried or unconscious feelings, thoughts and experiences.
Training and groupwork. Alongside my private practice in Galway, I conduct workshops on anxiety, stress and time management at the Student Counselling Service, NUI, Galway.
Most clients contact me directly. I also receive referrals from GPs, voluntary organizations and other therapists. I refer on where appropriate to other therapists, GPs, specialist services or clinics, support agencies and voluntary self-help groups.
Fee structure- sliding scale
My charge for working clients or those with a regular income is €60 per session. For students and others on low incomes I offer reduced rates from €50 to €55 depending on the client's ability to pay and on the duration of treatment. Each session lasts an hour.
Enquiries are welcome. I also offer a short introductory meeting free-of -charge for those unsure of whether counselling or psychotherapy is for them.
Further information
For further information on making and cancelling appointments, and on the ethical and confidentiality issues relating to my practice, please consult my website.