General Practice
Sexual Health Advice (30 mins)
Weight Loss Consultation (30 mins)
Ankle Injury Treatment (1 hour)
Biomechanical assessment (30 mins)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (1 hour)
Chronic Pain Syndrome (1 hour)
Cryotherapy (1 hour 30 mins)
Ergonomic Assessments and Advice (30 mins)
Exercise Therapy (1 hour)
IFT - Interferential Therapy (1 hour)
Injection Therapy (30 mins)
Knee Rehabilitation (1 hour)
Neurorehabilitation (1 hour)
Physical Therapy (1 hour)
Physiotherapist Consultation (30 mins)
Post-Op Rehabilitation (1 hour)
Posture Management (30 mins)
Pregnancy Related Disorders (30 mins)
Repetitive Strain Injury Treatment (1 hour)
Sciatica Treatment (1 hour)
Shoulder Rehabilitation (1 hour)
Spinal Rehabilitation - Neck and Back Injury (1 hour)
Sports Injury Rehabilitation - Strapping and Taping (1 hour)
Stroke Rehabilitation (1 hour)
Tendonitis Treatment (1 hour)
Ultrasound Therapy (1 hour)
Massage Therapy
NMT - Neuromuscular Therapy (1 hour)
Back Pain Treatment (1 hour)
Spinal Manipulation (1 hour)
Myofascial Release (1 hour)
Impotence Treatment (1 hour)