Dr Pedro Perez-Escariz
Job Title:
Surgeon Biography:
Born in Madrid, in a family of Doctors, Dr. Perez-Escariz has been working for and Aesthetics since its inception in the Faculty of Medicine in 1984. Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon in possession of the Spanish Official Title through the MIR opposition, completed his training at the most prestigious hospitals in Europe and the United States (London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dallas, New York, Turin, Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona ). He has published numerous book chapters and made communications and conferences in Spanish and international congresses. Currently working in different magazines and training other specialists. His scientific concerns led him to maintain high standards in their treatment and thus transmits it to your computer. The Doctor feels above all Medical and so is the satisfaction of their patients In operation since 1998, the Clinic takes over from that initiated by his father in 1968.