Dr. Cortés-González
is originally from Monterrey, Mexico and obtained his medical degree at the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (UANL). He obtained an one-year scholarship to study at the Heidelberg University in Germany to finalized his medical studies. After approving the national exam, was accepted at the Urology Service of the University Hospital “Dr. José E. Gonzalez” UANL to perform a specialization in Urology. During the residency program showed special interest in research and how to give services of excellence by having international experience with clinical rotations (i.e. at the
Urology division
of the Inselspital in Bern, Switzerland) and by publishing scientific articles in medical journals. These achievements made him obtain, in two consecutive years, the resident of year award. After obtaining his degree as specialist, he did a sub-specialization in
focused in
male infertility
at the Instituto H. Ellis in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Later, was accepted as PhD student and perform a sub-specialization in uro-oncological
robotic surgery
at the Institution that awards the Nobel Prize: The Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
Currently, Dr. Cortes-Gonzalez works as an associated professor and research coordinator at the
Urology Service
of the University Hospital “Dr. José E. Gonzalez” and as an associated guest researcher at the Karolinska Institute. His private praxis is given at the Centro Medico Monterrey and at the CENTRA hospital. He speaks 7 languages (English, german, Swedish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Spanish). He is continuously updating in the
urology field
and actively participate as speaker in Mexican or international meetings and has published more than 15 scientific articles.