Together we'll
"not just improve it a little, but "Transform It".
Thereby creating a deep and profound transformation that will serve you and everyone you connect with for the rest of your life.
If you want to just improve your life a little, then I'm not the coach for you. However. . .
- if you want true life changing transformation...
- If you want to love getting up in the morning...
- If you want to re-discover that playfulness you had as a child...
- If you want to speak aloud what's true for you and begin living that way...
- If you want to build a life that really excites you...
- If you want to contribute to something bigger than yourself...
- If you want to design a life you really really love, then you're in the right place.
Nelson Mandela said, "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged - to find the ways in which you yourself have altered."
For some of us the transition that's necessary can appear unachievable and unattainable. It causes anxiety or paralysis through fear, without any logical reason, and therefore prevents us from achieving our life goals. Often the knock on effect also restricts our freedom to be our true selves.
So how does coaching work? Whilst psychotherapy offers help based on a medical model and is focused on understanding past forces that shape us, coaching, by contrast, focuses on what we want from our lives and the enormous resources and abilities, often unrecognised, that we have to pursue it. I will help you to free yourself from the multitude of assumptions you are probably making about yourself and others. Some of those assumptions will be limiting, holding you back from being the best you can be.
I coach people through change - it can be really scary for some. It's often easier to stay where you are, but boy can that be boring!!! You have the ability to change your life for the better and to get the life you deserve.
Brendan Behan, Irish author, said, "Many of our fears are tissue paper thin, and a single, courageous step would carry us clear of them. "
Don't stay in your job if you hate it or if you have the whole work/life balance wrong. Don't put up with feeling just "okay". Don't keep your dreams as just dreams. Make them a reality - write them down then put a date on them..
"People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don't know when to quit "
George Allen (b1952),
US senator
Do Any Of These Ring A Bell?
- Stuck in a rut
- Lack of
- In the wrong job
- With the wrong partner
- Difficult colleagues
- Failure at interviews or presentations
- Under-achievement
- One foot on the accelerator and another on the brake
- Lost in existential confusion
- Perpetually treading water
- I don't know who I am
- Difficulty in social situations
- Fears and Phobias restricting you
?- Addiction or bad habit issues
- Public presentations / speaking
- Low mood
It's no fun, right? But help is at hand. Whatever issues you bring it’s likely I have experienced them myself. I have had a rich and varied life. You can therefore benefit from authentic empathy…rather than listening to a talking self-help manual!
After coaching I have seen clients:
- Get promoted
- Get back with exes
- Create great projects
- Start exciting new careers
- Give sparkling presentations
- Gain the respect of their family
- Travel the world
- Master new skills
- Make mince-meat of difficult colleagues (not literally!)
- Gain a sudden understanding of their true self and much more...
Let us get to grips with who you are and what you really want, and make achievable plans for getting you there.