About Vfix physical therapy clinic
About US
Vfixclinic or Vfix Physical Therapy clinic was found by Thanongsak Sanluecha, A Licensed Physical Therapist from Illinois ,USA
For over 20 years of experience and skills that he acquired during his long career from the US especially being physical therapist team of Illinois Back institute and top hospital in the state such as Loyola university health system and Advocate Aurora health hospital,
he then developed the most effective technique and protocol to treat his patients .
That is why vfixclinic is very unique and different from others physical therapy clinic in Thailand.
His philosophy of treatment and protocol as of follow.
1.Treatment programs is very intensive so the patient get the most benefits out of every visit.
2.Treatment programs is very effective in short period of time.
3.Treatment programs is the total care approach.
Which are
The patient will be educated all the details regarding their own symptoms.
The patient will be treated at the cause of the symptoms therefore the problems will be solved completely.
The patient will get best rehabilitation and prevention program to avoid the injury that might happen in the future.
Because after all every patient's ultimate goal is to get back to their normal life.
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