Athlone Physical Therapy currently on maternity leave!
clinic provides effective treatment for a range of conditions and injuries that range from ankle sprains to back pains and work related overuse injuries to complex sports injuries.
Whether you have suffered a sports injury, work related injury, postural related injury or hurt yourself at home we aim to provide an effective treatment and rehabilitation plan to restore you to good health as soon as possible.
Athlone Physical Therapy uses a hands on approach that diagnoses and treats the problem and not just the injury. Using evidence based treatments, we provide a safe and effective service in the midlands providing physical therapy to all ages.
What is Physical Therapy?
Physical Therapy is a healthcare profession which involves the treatment or management of pain, disability and impaired movement by means of massage, myofascial techniques, joints mobilisations and exercises.
It is a primary care health profession and is established on sound health science principles. Physical Therapist work to restore full normal movement and to reduce or eliminate pain resulting from injury, infirmity and from medical conditions.
IAPT Physical Therapists are degree qualified from the Institute of Physical Therapy and Applied Science (IPTAS) in Dublin. They are highly qualified and work predominantly in private practice. Physical Therapists work with clients of all ages and with a broad range of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions.
Physical therapy treatment is currently recognised by the following medical insurers:
Glo Health
Garda Medical
ESB Medical
Hospital Saturday Fund
Irish Life Insurance
What does Physical Therapy Involve?
Your initial physical therapy consultation will last 1 hour. Second and subsequent consultations will last approximately 45 minutes. During the first treatment detailed medical and injury history will be taken.
Patient will be screened for red flags.
Assessment of the problem
Your Therapist will carry out a thorough assessment with you and establish the cause of your problem. She will then develop a programme which is specific to you and your underlying condition.
Treatment Plan
In addition to physical assessment, your Therapist will adopt a ‘big-picture approach’ taking into account any work or activity related issues which are contributing to the problem. They will also take into account social and psychological issues contributing to you physical problems.
Preventing Recurrence
Your Therapist will work with you to establish a suitable exercise or rehabilitation program to help restore you to full health and reduce risk of re-injury. Your therapist will also work with you to change patterns of activity which have led to the problem in the first place.