It is often said that nothing happens,unless there is a dream first. At the genesis of the Nabajyoti PhysiotherapyResearch Center story there was a dream. A dream so powerful, that it helpedtransform the physiotherapy landscape in Assam as well as in India.
The dream nurtured and grewwithin Dr. Arunjyoti Hazarika, the founder Chairman of Nabajyoti PhysiotherapyResearch Center, until the point of inflection happened in 2009. A young manfighting to an ailing physical disability was what it took to ignite Dr. ArunjyotiHazarika’s vision into a reality - a vision where quality rehabilitation wasgiven, where the pursuit of clinical excellence was daily endeavor, Assam a hubin the medical tourism map and where the Nabajyoti Physiotherapy ResearchCenter touches and enriches lives every minute, every day.
True to its founding principles, the grouphas made quality rehabilitation care accessible to the people of Assam as wellas of India. It has become an institution of trust, and a beacon of hope to somany searching for a cure for their ailments.
The legacy of touching andenriching lives stems from the pillars of the philosophy - experience,excellence, expertise and research. We pride ourselves for constantly being onthe cutting edge, and going the extra mile to stay relevant and revolutionary.
The Nabajyoti PhysiotherapyResearch Center is the pioneer of integrated rehabilitation care delivery inIndia. This vision led the group to earmark time and resources to strengtheneach vital cog in the process of rehabilitation as well as healthcare delivery.As a result of these efforts, the center today is in a unique position toexponentially increase its rehabilitation and healthcare cover. This will becritical in order to meet future requirements.
Only At Nabajyoti Physiotherapy Research Center
ValuesThe confluence of seven values results in a ray that represents NPRC’sleadership in Assamese Healthcare. A ray that is the beacon for millionslooking for a cure… looking for hope.
InnovationWe embrace change and work to improve all we do in a fiscally responsiblemanner
OwnershipWe value integrity and the promotion of the just use of resources entrustedto us for the enhancement of human life.
Patient centricIn all our endeavors, we are guided by the needs of the patient, creating apartnership that is effective and personal across the continuum of care. We putour patients first as we seek to exceed the expectations of our customers withsuperior service, outstanding clinical care and unsurpassed responsiveness.
QualityAlways perusing Quality, our Center envisions more efficient, equitable careat all levels of a patient's experience. Through a consensus-based process,clinical quality and efficiency measures meets the needs and expectations ofthe general public, government, providers and practitioners.
TeamworkSystem effectiveness is built on the collective strength and culturaldiversity of everyone, working with open communication and mutual respect.
CompassionWe value a quality of presence and caring that accepts people as they areand fosters healing and wholeness.
Respect for allWeuse 'Namaskar' as the salutation when meeting patients, guests, employees inperson or telephonically. We greet each individual, those we serve and thosewith whom we work, with the highest professionalism and dignity.