Ms Suzi Bosnar
Job Title:
Physiotherapist Biography:
After graduation placed in the "Health School" in Medvedgradska street, he enrolled at the "Medical College" in Zagreb, physiotherapy, and gained the title of senior physical therapist (Bacc. FRACTURES.). Since 2000, she worked in a private clinic for physical therapy and is constantly improving the various courses and lectures. 2008 ends the first and second degree course "Shoulder and shoulder hoop" , leader dr. med. Spec. orthopedics Mr. Hrvoje Klobucar, Mrs. Pavice Gorupic, Bacc. FRACTURES .. 2009 ends the first stage of the course entitled " Mechanical diagnosis and therapy - THE lumbar spine , with international instructors Mrs. Barbara Zrnec. 2009 also ends the first and second module of manual therapy according to Kaltenborn / Evjenth approach, from an authorized instructor of manual therapy, physical therapist Matthias Burkert, and in 2010 he completed the third and fourth and entered the fifth , advanced module of manual therapy by Kaltnborn / Evjenth approach. Highlights that constantly monitor the operation HKF s active participation in congresses. The last in the series was the 5th Congress of HUF was held 03. - 5 October 2008. 2010 together with his colleague Zoran Filipovic opened a private practice physical therapy.