Mr Hugo Isaac
Graduated in 2007 after completing a five year Bachelor of Science honours degree from the London School of Osteopathy which incorporates the extensive study of: anatomy, physiology, pathology, orthopaedics, neurology, biomechanics, exercise physiology, pharmacology and clinical methods such as x-ray analysis.After qualifying as an osteopath Hugo went on to qualify as a British Medical Acupuncturist. The combination of osteopathy and acupuncture has been found to be very effective in the treatment of numerous musculo-skeletal complaints, in particular: muscular pain syndromes and osteoarthritis of the knee. Hugo’s experience spans from treating a variety of patients from elite athletes, recreational sportsmen, pre and post pregnant women and their children and ergonomic related office injuries. He has recently been chosen to work in the core olympic medical team for the London 2012 olympics. Here at the clinic we have the luxury of time to not only diagnose and plan a treatment programme, which may involve a variety of specialist therapists, but also to explain exactly how the injury occurred, how to prevent a recurrence, and how to come out of the episode a wiser, fitter, stronger person.