Miss koren barnwell
I first qualified as a Natural Health care practitioner in 1996 following a longstanding interest in Eastern Philosophy and a desire to travel. This led me to Northern Thailand where I started studies in Complementary Healthcare.
During my years of practising as an acupuncturist and treating all manner of general health issues, it became clear to me just how prevalent digestive disorders are in Western society. As a result of treating and supporting many clients suffering with digestive problems, I discovered that people often simply need re-educating about diet, eating habits and general bowel health as part of a treatment programme. Sometimes changes can be very simple, but often very effective and, at times, even life changing!
In an endeavour to offer a more holistic and all-encompassing approach to digestive health care, I decided to train as a Colonic Hydrotherapist, enabling me to offer colonic irrigation treatments and to gain a greater understanding of the many imbalances such clients present with. My passion and desire to understand the digestive system has continued to grow and as a result the Colon Care Centre was set up to provide customers with a Natural Health Care & Detox service aimed at diagnosing and treating all kinds of digestive problems in a caring, comprehensive and gentle way.