About IVMED Fertility Centre
The IVMED Fertility Centre is one of the leading fertility centres in Ukraine. We are located in the centre of Kyiv, most modern and technologically advandced city in Ukraine. The clinic was founded in 2012 and is successfully developing during last 5 years till nowadays, which is in fact noticeable due to our laboratory extension that includes two labs:
medical lab that provides the ability to do biochemical analyses and PGD (which means Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) also our own embryologic lab equipped with advanced technical and
laboratory devices such as:microscopes; ICSI station for
intra-cytoplasmic injection of sperm cells to oocytes; CO2 flat-bed incubators
allowing to maintain constant temperature during embryos cultivation until
blastocyst stage; embryoscope for observing
embryos cultivation and estimation of development potential; Nitrogen cryo-storages for
vitrificated (frozen) gametes and embryos; Laminar air flow stations; Air particles counters for air
purity control; Label marks print devices for
accurate personal indication of straws that contain embryos, and other laboratory
equipment. The IVMED Fertility Centre provides
pre-implantation genetic diagnostics with application of FISH and array-CGH
techniques that allow early detection chromosome abnormalities in embryos.
We are proud of collaborating with the best labs outside Ukraine, with labs in Austria and due to that collaboration can successfully provide pre-natal non-invasive diagnostics of a number of common chromosome
abnormalities in fetus on 9-12 weeks of pregnancy, using mother’s (surrogate
mother’s) blood in which child DNA can be already detected and examined for 3
common chromosome abnormalities (21, 13, 18 chromosomes, as well as detect
fetal gender).
This new method allows to make diagnostics in case when there is
recommendations for genetic screening with PGD/PGS FISH or array-CGH.
Pregnancy success rateOur implantation success rate in standard IVF programs
(stimulation and own eggs retrieval) is 43%, the successful result from first
attempt depends on patient's medical conditions, the first attempt success rate
is 38%, in egg donation program 64%, in surrogacy programs with own eggs - 76%,
all couples have healthy born children, and with donor's eggs – 83%*.
*Statistics data collected during 2015, 2016
We are glad to help each our patient to realize their dream about child!
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