The medical office specialist pulmonologists Neumologos Barcelona offers a complete set of professional services and care to patients with lung disease.
These are our specialties:
bronchial Asthma
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic bronchitis
Sleep disorders
pulmonary Hypertension
Interstitial lung diseases
lung nodule
Diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer
Infectious diseases: pneumonia, tuberculosis, ...
Doctor specializing in pulmonology and internal medicine medicine. A lifetime dedicated to people through research, treatment and cure of lung disease. Our goal is to continue to provide effort and knowledge to improve the quality of life of patients suffering from respiratory problems. Associate Professor of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Dr. Morera has authored and / or coauthored more than 200 publications listed in PubMed, more than 400 papers at international and national congresses of Pneumology and Biotechnology, several books specialty. It also is in the Spanish State introducer of some therapeutic modalities such as CPAP and transtracheal catheter.
Doctor in Medicine and Surgery , Pulmonology specialist . Shares currently working as an associate faculty of Medicine, UAB professor .He has researched the Asthma , OSA , snoring and COPD. Work on projects related to asthma and bronchial hypersecretion , bacterial colonization , sleep quality , nutrition and functional dyspnea.He is a member of the European Respiratory Society ( ERS ) of the Spanish Society of Pneumology ( separ ) and the Catalan Society of Pneumology ( SOCAP ) . Speaker at various conferences of the Society of Respiratory Rehabilitation ( SORECAR ) , separ and SOCAP , participated with 200 communications in congresses of separ , SOCAP , ERS i American Thoracic Society ( ATS ) on issues Syndrome apnea / hypopnea syndrome (SAHS ) , Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD). Author and coauthor of several articles in national and international journals and book chapters on asthma, SAHS , tuberculosis and COPD.
Speech therapist. Specialist dysphonia (nodes and technical rehabilitation rehabilitation vocal polyps), dyslalias, atypical swallowing, stuttering and aphasia Brocca.
Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía por la Universidad de Zaragoza, está especializado en Neumología del Hospital Miguel Servet de Zaragoza. Este proyecto de investigación relacionado con el tabaquismo, la EPOC y las enfermedades (en relación con el amianto, los floricultores y los trabajadores de las granjas de animales), es un neumólogo especializado en diferentes patologías como el asma, la EPOC, las infecciones respiratorias, el cáncer pulmonar, bronquiectasia, Sleep patología, derrame pleural y enfermedades intersticiales. Él también ha investigado la prevalencia de trastornos del sueño en la población del sur de Europa, la supervivencia de la AOS no tratada y los estudios morfológicos de las vías respiratorias de los pacientes que padecen SAOS. Pertenecientes a diferentes sociedades científicas como la SEPAR (Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica) y SOCAP (Sociedad Catalán de Neumología).