My daughter had head trauma ( concussion) and a fractured rib and pneumothorax and a cut chin and bruising. A&E mamagement was good including CT head and thorax ( chest). The drainage pf the pneumothorax- she was given a choice of GA (sedation) or local. Any western doctor would not offer a choice to a concussed patient who had facial bruising- sedation would be risky. Because I spoke to the doctor and I am a western doctor, she had a local. The hospital looks up to date, but the receptionists don't speak English and the nursing care is patchy. Pain control was not well managed, and as DVT is rare in Indonesians- wiggle your feet ( like the advice for people on planes) Westerners are at high risk of DVT after serious trauma.
See above. Receptionists cant change a clinic appt over the phone, English poor dont seem to understand they are in a SERVICE industry and if they dont understand give the phone to a colleague. No soap in the women's bathroom. Doctors are generally good, but as what they earn is what you pay you may feel you have more appointments than you need. A fair bit of over prescribing. Not enough explanation- what stretches could my daughter do with a fractured rib. Nevertheless I am happy my daughter is alive and well- and care here is much more comprehensive than the local public hospital