I was dissatisfied with how dark my teeth were and had a smile consultation with Rob Muirhead. We discussed teeth whitening and also other aspects of my teeth with which I was unhappy. My upper front teeth were filled and crossed, so originally I had two veneers and some Cerec treatment. Subsequently I have had Cerec treatment on 6 teeth. Over the last few years whilst I have been attending the dental practice I have had my teeth whitened, have had two teeth veneered and have had several Cerec restorations. What a difference that has all made to my smile. The Cerec treatment is amazing, no impressions, no temporary restorations, no dental technicians involved. Just one appointment after the initial consultation when treatment options are discussed. I felt very confident in the advice I received and have been very happy with the results.
The practice employs helpful and knowledgable staff who have a professional but friendly manner. I have recommended the practice to friends and would continue to do so. My husband joined the practice after me and we have both been totally satisfied with the hygienist and Rob, our dentist
The best aspect is how quickly the work is done. Previously any crowns required impressions, temporary crowns, a wait until this work was done then an appointment to complete the treatment. I had four Cerec crowns done in one three hour appointment from start to finish. No black lines show on the crowns as opposed to the old fashioned type. The precision and accuracy is amazing.
The treatment is expensive but your teeth are such a noticeable feature that it is worth it