I suffer from Sjögren's syndrome which is a dryness of the mouth, gums and nasal cavities. The Carisbrooke is supposed to be well-skilled in treating these issues, so my local dentist recommended me to them.
I went in for a scrape and polish and their hygienist gave me an in-depth analysis of my gums. I paid 300 Pounds for an hour’s work, which is an awful lot of money, but I got the results I wanted. They solved the problem for me.
They were very knowledgeable and I got the impression they knew exactly what they were talking about. I do think they could have been a bit warmer, though. Dentists visits are, after all, stressful experiences. The idea was that I went in for one session just to check everything out, then I was meant to have another two-hour session followed by another session. However, I wasn’t in a position to carry on with the treatment. It cost me just under 1000 pounds, which is a lot of money for a scrape and polish.
The results are excellent, but it was a very expensive experience. I knew what I’d be paying before the time, but I didn’t know that the treatment would be ongoing. I did explain that I could only afford one session and that I’d try to follow their aftercare advice (which was absolutely first class).
Even though the general staff could have been friendlier, the actual practitioner was great - so warm and understanding. She was a pleasure to work with. Service was second to none. Her warmth, care, explanations and understanding, was simply wonderful. I’m very glad they were able to help me.