Attempted root canal treatment
I registered at the dentist surgery based on their central location and (some) good reviews. I was able to get a first appointment quite quickly, which was a good start, the receptionists seemed to be nice, and the clean and bright waiting room was encouraging. Unfortunately, my first positive impressions stopped there.
To start with I was never addressed by my name by the dentist and her assistant, and only referred to as ‘the patient’.
I agreed on the treatment plan with the dentist, which included a root canal treatment on one of my teeth to be done at my next appointment. Unfortunately, after numbing the area, when the dentist started cleaning the roots, I felt a sharp pain each time (which I never experienced during other root canal treatments). The (very young) dentist informed me that she could not finish treating this tooth, but would continue with the rest of the treatment.
I was also referred to a specialized clinic for the extraction of another tooth. However, when I received the appointment, I realized that it was for the extraction of the wrong tooth! After correcting their mistake, the right tooth was extracted successfully at the other clinic.
However, when I came back to take another appointment, I was told that the dentist could no longer treat me as I was ‘too nervous’. I was also informed by the management that no other dentists (perhaps more experienced I would have thought) could treat me either (not even for a simple crown).
Feeling that I had been treated unfairly, and unwilling to pay again for the treatment with another dentist, I contacted the Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS). They were very helpful indeed, and after several phone calls, I finally received a full refund by the practice.
However, this had been a very stressful experience