we are build up to business with university hospitals and branch hospitals.Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery, Chest Diseases, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Forensic Medicine, Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Pathology, Plastic Reconstructive and Esthetic Surgerylastic
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Psychiatry, Rheumatology, Sports MedicineThe Intensive Care Unit - Internal Diseases, Thoracic Surgery, children hospitals clinic are Cardiology, Chest Diseases, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology - Hepatology, General Prediatric, Genetics, Hematology, Immunology, Metabolism and Nutrition, Neonatology, Nephrology - Rheumatology Unit, Neurology, Pediatric and Perinatal Pathology Unit, Pediatric Emergency, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Pediatric Intensive Care, oncology hospitals clinic are Medical Oncology, Pediatric Oncology, DENTAL HOSPITAL HAVE DEPARTMENT OF ORAL DIAGNOSIS AND RADIOLOGYORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL DISEASES AND SURGERY DEPARTMENTPROSTHETIC DENTISTRY DEPARTMENTDEPARTMENT OF PERIODONTOLOGYDENTAL DISEASES AND TREATMENT DEPARTMENTDEPARTMENT OF ENDODONTICSDEPARTMENT OF PEDODONTICSDEPARTMENT OF ORTH