About El Portet Dental Studio
Dr. Kristen Fethke is from the United States. She is a graduate of UCLA and the University of Valencia. She has been caring for patients for the past thirteen years, providing general and cosmetic dentistry, as well as implant treatments and oral surgery, on the Costa Blanca in Spain. Being from the US, she is obviously a native English speaker, but is also fluent in Spanish and speaks Italian and French.
Dr. Fethke believes in personalized attention. This is not a supersonic, "Starship Enterprise" dental clinic, but rather a small, one-chair California-style dental studio, where an artesanal approach is taken towards the procedures and most apprehensive people end up feeling comfortable with the idea of being in The Chair. That is Dr. Fethke´s principle goal: make the patients lose their fear and diminish their anxiety in an informal, relaxing, beachside environment. Her patients are like family and generally return every year on holiday for check-ups and whatever new treatment may be necessary.
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