Dr Ionela Dumitru
Job Title:
Cosmetic Dentistry
English, French, Italian, Romanian Biography:
Dr. Ionela Dumitru became a member of DENT ESTET team in 2002. She graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry within "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and since 2002 and until present day she has been involved in medica research projects, has published specialized works and has participated in several types of training and qualification activities, both as a guest and as trainer: Limits of using poliglass: Belle-glass in inlays, onlays, bridges on inlays, parodontal contention, post-othodonticcontention, veneers, bridges on veneers Clinical and imagistic study on implants and bio-materials osteo-integration, run along with the RomanianAcademy Occlusion reconstruction with implants, verified with lateral radiographs analisis in a case of biterminaledentulous and general abrasion , co-author, Quintessence International Romania. Dr. Ionela Dumitru is one of the few specialists in dental esthetics in Romania certified by LUMINEERS®. Since 2007, she has participated in many conferences, symposia and courses as well as in trainings focused on innovative dental esthetics solutions: Smile design - The esthetics of smile, Bucharest The Common Dentistry Conference SRS-GAO, Italy Dental imaging symposium.