The camera metal (one arch)
The camera aesthetic (one arch)
Clear Aligner (overlay - 1 set)
Dental Crowns
Cwiekowy temporary tooth
Telescopic crown milled in the CAD-CAM
Telescopic crown (for gold)
Crown on implant porcelain cast on the foot-noble
The crown on the implant cast on the foot noble grained porcelain
Implant crown on the foundation of zirconium oxide on the titanium connector
Implant crown on the foundation of zirconium oxide on a linker aesthetic zirconia
Porcelain crown embossed without supporting metal (all-ceramic)
Sealing fissures (per tooth)
Dental X-Ray
Research tomography (CBCT), (clinic - Bydgoszcz)
Digital Dental X-Ray
Digital picture of cross-sections (with a referral)
A digital picture of the paranasal sinuses (with referral)
A digital picture of the maxillary sinuses (the referral)
Digital Panoramic Dental X-Ray
Photo digital panoramic X-rays (with a referral)
Photo digital cephalometric (the referral)
Skeletal denture teeth Composite +
Acrylic Dentures
Crown Acrylic - Temporary made in Gabin
Crown Acrylic - Temporary wkonana laboratory
Acrylic denture total dental composite
Acrylic denture (dental mikroproteza 3)
Removing milk tooth surface anesthesia
Removal of milk tooth in infiltration anesthesia
Removal of permanent tooth anesthesia
Surgical Extractions
Surgical removal of impacted tooth
Surgical removal of residual root
Filling in the tooth milk
Composite filling in tooth fixed
Fluoride Therapy
Fluoridation - both arches
Fluoridation (fluorine protector) - each tooth
Gingival Flap Surgery
Closed curettage (one pocket) + dressing
Implant Dentist Consultation
Inlay or Onlay
Onlays or Inlays composite
Onlays or Inlays porcelain
Orthodontist Consultation
Root Canals
The opening of the chamber in the milk tooth
Emergency aid in root canal therapy
Premolars (and lower incisors)
Repeated Teeth single channel
Repeated Premolars (and lower incisors)
Sinus Lift
Lifting the sinus open (with material)
Scaling and Root Planing
Sandblasting - both arches
Scaling + sandblasting (both arches)
Scaling + sandblasting (a bow)
Scaling + blasting + fluoridation (both arches)
Scaling + blasting + fluoridation (one arch)
Teeth Whitening
Tooth whitening dead (each visit)
Teeth whitening (both arches)
Teeth whitening (one arch)
Porcelain veneer crown on zirconium oxide framework