A graduate of the Dental Department, Medical University of Lodz. She graduated with a result of good. Postgraduate held at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the Hospital. N. Barlickiego in Lodz. Since 1996, she started working in the Department of Prosthodontics, Medical University as an assistant. Since 2011 he holds the position of assistant professor. From the beginning of his employment leads teaching exercises and lectures for students III, IV and V of the year. Is the guardian of third year students in prosthodontics. Promoter and reviewer of many works from the direction of undergraduate dental technician and Public Health. In 1995, she graduated from the Faculty of Medicine University of Lodz in the field of Dentistry. In 1996, he began working at the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Lodz as an assistant. In 1998, he started a private practice dental Omega Dental In 1999, she received the first degree of specialization in the field of general dentistry. In 2003 he defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Numerical analysis of the state of stress in the hard tissues of the teeth and bridges based on contributions and expenditures crown." In 2007, she won the title of a Second Degree in the field of prosthodontics. He is the author of numerous publications and abstracts in prestigious medical journals. She gave a series of lectures on Congresses and Conferences Scientific Research. He participates in continuing post-graduate training. Received more than 100 major diplomas and certificates for participation in practical and theoretical courses in implantology and esthetic dentistry in the country and abroad organized by the company FRIALIT (Xive, Ankylos) in Munchime in Germany, Nobel Biocare University GIDE / UCLA in California, AlphaBio in Israel, Implacore in Frankfurt, Straumann in Australia. She is a member of the Global Institute for Dental Education, American Diabetes Association Professional Section, Polish Dental Association and the Polish Association of Implantology. A particular object of her interest is aesthetic dentistry and implantology in. Performs a lot of work on the foundation of all-ceramic glass, aluminum oxide, zirconium and leucite reinforced. Both in his doctoral thesis as well as clinical work deals with the composites reinforced with fiberglass and polyethylene as dlugoczasowymi temporary additions. For 15 years, deepens your knowledge in the field of implantology, guided tissue regeneration and aesthetic treatment using porcelain veneers, inlays and onlays crown. Scientific achievements: Table of printed works: Smielak B.: Trigeminal neuralgia - etiology, location of lesions, and modern methods of treatment. Contemporary Dentistry, 1997 vol 4,2 103-106. Smielak B., J. Ruxer, Romanowicz M.:Polish Diabetologia, 1998, vol 5, 1, 76-79 Smielak B., Papierz P., Romanowicz M.: Types of materials used in art osteogenic alveolar process and the alveolar part of the mandible on the basis of the literature. Dental Prosthetics, 1998, XL VIII, 3, 123-126. Smielak B., Smielak A.: Titanium - an alternative material in dental prosthetics. Contemporary Dentistry, 2000, vol 7, No. 5, 51-54. Smielak B, Knytel M: Prosthetic treatment of patients with cleft palate, alveolar jaw, upper lip - a case report. Contemporary Dentistry, 2002, vol 9, 4, 26-28. Smielak B., Drummer J.: Selected cases of clinical application of fixed restorations with composite reinforced with glass fiber. Contemporary Dentistry, 2002, vol 9, 3, 23-27. Smielak B.: glass fiber reinforced composites: the structure, mechanical properties, the clinical use - on the basis of the literature. Contemporary Dentistry, 2002, vol 9, 5, 54-58. Smielak B., Suchorzewski A.: Treatment of prosthetic-periodontal patients with dehistencja gums and bone loss around the tooth Dental Prosthetics 13, 2006, LVI, 1, 26-33. Dejak B., Kacprzak M., Suliborski B., Smielak B.: The structure and some properties of dental ceramics used in all ceramic restorations in the light literatury.Protetyka Dental, 2006, LVI, 6, 471-478. Smielak B., Knytel M., Biesaga R.: Numerical analysis of the stresses in the hard tissues of abutment teeth using bridges based on contributions and expenditures crown. Dental Prosthetics, 2007, LVII, 5, 356-363. Gradzki R., Pupkiewicz L., Smielak B.: New techniques in the production of adhesion bridges. Chapter in a book titled Ergonomics disabled at the age of nanotechnology and healthcare. Red.: J. Lewandowski, Lacewicz-Bartoszewska J. 2007, 103-109. Smielak B.: Some aspects of the clinical application of porcelain veneers. Dental Prosthetics, 2010, LX, 6, 463-469. Smielak B., Biesaga R., Knytel M.: The use of prefabricated beams as part of the reservoir to maintain the type of prosthetic implant-supported overdentures-case. Dental Prosthetics, 2011, LXI, 1, 43-51. Smielak B.: Selected cases of clinical application of porcelain veneers. Dental Prosthetics, 2011, LXI, 2, 113-121. Papers presented Smielak B.: Trigeminal neuralgia - etiology, location of lesions, and modern methods of treatment. XXXIV National Conference STN Academy in Lodz, 9-11.05.1996. Smielak B.: Trigeminal neuralgia - etiology, location of lesions, and modern methods of treatment. X National Scientific Conference of Students of Dentistry them. M. Klopotowskiego in Lodz, 18.05.1996. Smielak B., Drummer J.: Selected cases of clinical application of fixed restorations with composite reinforced with glass fiber. Multidisciplinary Dental Symposium, Warsaw, 16-21.04.2001. Smielak B., Knytel M.: Prosthetic treatment of patients with cleft palate, alveolar jaw, upper lip - a case report. Multidisciplinary Dental Symposium, Warsaw, 16-21.04.2001. Smielak B., Knytel M.: Prosthetic treatment of patients with cleft palate, alveolar jaw, upper lip - a case report. PTS O / Lodz 20.09.2001. Smielak B., Drummer J.: Selected cases of clinical application of fixed restorations with composite reinforced with glass fiber. PTS O / Lodz 24.01.2002. Smielak B., Suchorzewski A, Hedayati M., Peterson-Jeckowska R.: Treatment of prosthetic-periodontal patients with dehistencja gums and bone loss around the tooth 13 Case. XX Conference on Scientific and Training Section of Prosthetic PTS in Lichen ,14-15 .06.2002. Gradzki R., Pupkiewicz L., Smielak B.: New techniques in the production of adhesion bridges. XXII International Conference on Science and Technology Ergonomics Disabled MKEN, 2006. Smielak B., Szymanski W., Batory, D., Klimek L. Surface Treatment elements of zirconium oxide. Biomaterials, Ustron 2010 Smielak B., R. Biesaga Knytel M.: The use of prefabricated beams as part of the reservoir to maintain the type of dentures overdentures on implants-based case report. 28th International Conference on Science and Training Section of Prosthetic PTS. Rawa, 2010. Smielak B., L. Klimek, Golebiowski M.: Influence of surface treatment of parts with a combination of titanium with zirconium oxide. Biomedical Engineering in dentistry. 01.07-03.07.2011 retreat. Smielak B.: Some aspects of the clinical application of porcelain veneers. Dental Prosthetics, 2010,6. Smielak B, R. Biesaga, M. Knytel.: The use of prefabricated beams as part of the reservoir to maintain the type of dentures overdentures based on implants - a case report. Dental Prosthetics, 2011,1, 51-56. Smielak B.: Selected cases of clinical application of porcelain veneers. Dental Prosthetics, 2011.2, 113-120 Smielak B.: Selected cases of clinical application of porcelain veneers on teeth discolored after tetracyklinach. Dental Prosthetics, 2012.1, 44-53.