Dr. Zabaleta and her team are ready to meet all your dentistry needs, with 20 years of experience.Express work available dental crowns in 1 visit schedule your appointment today.Dr. Zabaleta wants to help you get a beautiful smile !
Located south of Weslaco, Texas, our office is situated 1/2 block across the Mexico border on the East side (left) of the street. The location is spacious and comfortable but most of all very clean, it complies with all the hygiene requirements by the ADM and ADA. Our standards of sterilization exceed OSHA standards and the American Dental Association standards.
International Dental Clinic is open 7 days a week 8-6 and also we can do emergency dental work after our regular hours.
Here at International Dental Clinic we offer our patients the convenience of relaxing in one of our recovery rooms that are very clean and very private. The rooms include bed, tv, ac, restroom with shower at no cost to you.
NON SURGICAL IMPLANTSInternational Clinic is very well known here in Progreso for giving the best service to our clients and also for doing over 500 non-surgical implants by our very own in house Implantologist Dr. Dhamani from Houston Tx
At around half the size, non surgical implants don't require as much bone, due to this feature, an implant can be placed in the bone that is left. Expensive bone grafting or bone expansion surgical procedure are typically not needed.
The placement of the this implant is also very non-invasive.A small pilot bit is used to create the opening for the implant to be threaded into the bone. Using such a minimally invasive procedure means the patient can heal faster, have less discomfort, and can use the implant much sooner. A regular implant is placed much differently, It requires a full flap of gum must be pushed back to see the bone. The bone is then removed with a series of burst to create space for the dental implant to be inserted. All of this surgical protocol can be avoided with this non surgical dental implant.
Non SurgicalImplants can have been used to:
: Secure Upper and Lower Dentures
: Replace a Single Missing Tooth
: Replace Multiple Missing Teeth
: Get rid of a Denture entirely and replace it with fixedPorcelain Crowns
: Get rid of a metal partial denture.
Non SurgicalImplants has the advantages over traditional dental implants.
Are LessInvasive.
This implants use only a small pilot hole for placement.This causes smaller stress on the bone and soft tissue than a conventionalimplant, which involves extensive surgery and bone grafts.
Are FasterHealing.
Because placing the smaller diameter implant does not require bone removal, healing time is minimal, usually days. When bone is removed to place larger implants healing time takes months and months.
Create LessDiscomfort.
Minimal to no surgery to the gums, bone and underlying tissue means less discomfort. Many patients need only over-the-counter pain medication after placing implants.
Take LessTime.
The dentist often installs the replacement tooth or dentures immediately after the implant placement.Most procedures, including anchoring dentures, are completed in one visit.
Limitationfor the Non Surgical Implants:
This Implants also have limitations. First, implants cannotbe placed in the jaw where there is bone loss or not enough vertical bone. Ifthe patient has been without teeth for a long time, there may be bone loss thatwill preclude our dental surgeons from using implants. In other words, theremay not be enough bone to support your implants.
Implants typically cannot be placed at the extraction site, if your dentist needs to extract your teeth immediately before placing your implant(s).
Finally, the force exerted by daily biting, chewing and teeth grinding may increase failure rate of implants and make standard dental implant a better option.