Dr. Vincenzo Mirisola di Torresanto was born in Rome on July 14, 1977
In 2002, he obtained a Dentistry Degree (DDS) with honors from
the University of
Rome "La
Since 2004, he has been conducting clinical and research activities
within the department of Periodontology and Prosthodontics at the George Eastman
Hospital in Rome directed by Dr. Luca Cordaro.
In 2002-2003 and 2007-2008, he attended Level I and Level II course in
Periodontology led by Dr. Gianfranco Carnevale.
In 2007, he was awarded with the H.M. Goldman prize for clinical
research in periodontology from the Italian Society of Periodontology
In 2008-2009, he attended the "Current Concepts in American
Dentistry: Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation" course at the New York
University College of Dentistry (New York - USA).
In 2013, Dr. Mirisola obtained a Master of Science (MSc) in
Aesthetic Dentistry from the King's College (London
- UK).
Dr. Mirisola was named recipient of the 2013 "Axel Kirsch"
award from the Camlog
In 2015, he was named "Fellow" of the International Team for
Implantology (ITI).
Over the past several years, Dr. Mirisola has given various lectures
both in Italy
and abroad and has authored a number of papers on international scientific
He is the Director of the ITI Study Club Lazio.
Dr. Mirisola maintains a private practice in Rome.