Dr. Maya Stamatova
member of the Chamber of Dentists in Milano n.4928
English speaking dentist in Milano
University degree of Dental Medicine,recived in 2003 from The Medical University of Sofia,Bulgaria.
Ricognition of the university title from the Minestry of Helth,Roma14 November,2008 (ufficial decree published with n.286).
Phd in Clinical Orthodontics,recived from the University of Milan.
Phd in Laser Technique in Dentistry, received from University of Genova.
Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment Provider.
Member of The Italian Society of Biomecanics e Segmented Orthodontics (SIBOS) and The Italian Society of Orthodontics (SIDO). Has collaborated with numerous dental clinics and studios in the Lombardy region.Has interests in all fields of dentistry,with particolar emphasis for Children,Estetic and Recreational dentistry.
In order to be able to guarantee optimal dental care for adults and children,continuously developing further her professional skills through various educational courses, conferences and seminars.