Dr Matthew Pietro Invernizzi
Job Title:
Chief Executive Biography:
Graduated with honours, having perfect marks, in Dentistry at University of Ferrara with a thesis in Experimental Neurology in 1999 entitled “ Dental Pathology and multiple sclerosis”. Searching for risk factors though a case-control study with supervising Prof Enrico Guarnieri. Attending Physician of the Department of Neurology, Hospital S. Anna of Ferrara during the 5th year. Senior lecturer: Postgratuate Endodontics Courses (Scientific Director: Fabio Gorni DDS) Milan, Italy. Lake Como Institute® Advanced implant Training Center (Scientific Director: Tiziano Testori MD, DDS, FICD) Como, Italy. NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL COURSES University of Paris V France “Cadaver Dissection Course” held by Jean François Gaudy MD and Tiziano Testori MD, DDS, FICD.