Dr Ajay Mootha
Dr. Ajay Mootha has been practicing dentistry since 2006. Dr. Ajay has experience of 11 years in dentistry. Dr. Ajay Mootha is a qualified dental surgeon. Dr. Ajay Mootha is well known dentist in Magarpatta,Pune. He is doing his own practice for the past several years, under the name of Dr. Mootha’s Advanced Dental Clinic located in Magarpatta city of Pune. During his 11 years at Hospital, Dr. Ajay Mootha was able to gain invaluable experience in treating thousands of patients who had been neglected by the health system. This included general dentistry, Prosthodontics, Dental Implantology,emergency care, trauma, oral surgery and orthodontics. Dr. Ajay Mootha is popular dentist in Magarpatta.