Dr Murugavel Chandrasekar
Job Title:
Oral Surgeon
Dental Examinations, Endodontics, General Dentistry, Implantology, Laser Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Temporomandibular Disorders (TMJ)
English Biography:
Dr.C.Murugavel is a qualified Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon graduated from Govt. Dental College, Tamilnadu Chennai.
Dr.Murugavel is an expertise in various fields of Dentistry and his quest for knowledge has made him very proficient in the field of Laser dentistry and Basal implantology . He is a certified Basal Implantologist with extensive experience in immediate loading implantology. He has acquired his Associate Fellowship in dental lasers from World Clinical Laser Institute USA. He has been using Lasers successfully in his general practice for the past 6 years.
He is an articulative Teacher, with his sound knowledge, intense passion and desire to spread the knowledge of dental implants and the use of Lasers in dentistry to young graduates and clinicians he has been conducting various training in the past few years..