Molar Root Canal
Root Canal Treatment is the procedure done to preserve the infected tooth. This procedure involves removing the damaged or infected pulp, treating any infection and filling the empty canals.
Root Canal Treatment procedure is started by drilling the enamel part of the tooth, that is topmost portion of the tooth. First the Dentist enters the pulp chamber, where the infected pulp is present. The next step is exploration of root canal, removal of the remaining pulp tissue and infected tissue. The infected pulp is then drilled out with the help of long needle shaped drills called files, K-flex, Headstroem ( H-files), etc.
After successful removal of the pulp, the root canal is disinfected with the help of intracanal medicaments like essential oils (eugenol), phenolic compounds, Sodium Hypochlorite and iodides. The disinfection procedure is done by using a plastic pipette or a syringe.
Finally filling (obturation) of root canal is done with an inert filling material called
gutta percha. There are different filling techniques practiced in dentistry like
Lateral condensation technique, Vertical condensation technique, Sectional method. The most commonly accepted method of filling is lateral condensation and vertical condensation. The main disadvantage of gutta percha is its inability to bind with the root canal. Therefore root canal cements are used to bind the root canal and gutta percha. They provide an excellent seal, when set, in between root canal and gutta percha. The most commonly used root canal
cements are Zinc oxide Resin Cements and Calcium Hydroxide Cement.