Sanoral Dental Clinic main services:
dental and oral surgery consultation
tooth whitening with Beyond Technology (USA)
cosmetic dentistry:aesthetic fillings, ceramic (porcelain) inlays, etc.
high quality dental implantation (Nobel Biocare Replace, Nobel Biocare Active, SGS), bone replacement (sinus lifting)
oral surgery: tooth extraction, wisdom and other impacted tooth extrusion, cystectomia, tooth resection, etc.
prosthodontics: metal-ceramic and zirkonium-ceramic crowns, veneers, jacket (full porcelain) crowns
prosthodontics: overdenture, metal (particular) denture, total prothesis, temporary denture, partial metal denture with precision attachment
endodontology: endodontic treatment (root canal treatment)
pediatric dentistry
radiovisiography and X-ray
ENT consultation
Why do people choose Sanoral Dental Clinic?
best quality materials & equipment
free services, including airport collection, hotel booking and consultation
dental procedures completed in 5 working days (including crowns and bridges)
GDC registered, fully qualified, experienced dentists and oral surgeons, implantologysts
stress-free and comfortable treatment
affordable dental treatment, with savings of
50-60% (despite of average West-European prices)
Sanoral provides the optimal dental treatment service with a written guarantee
weekend appointments available
contact your dentist directly instead of agencies
what you pay for is what you get: no hidden costs
we are situated in the center Budapest - the most beautiful city in Central Europe.
Our colleagues take part in regular refresher training courses.
In the course of university training, updating of acquired knowledge is required through continual refresher training courses.
Information about updated procedures, materials used and techniques are desired, so that our colleagues are constantly updating and deepening their professional knowledge.
In these interests, every single piece of knowledge within this field is shared between us, so that in each given area, we might acquire skills to an even higher standard.
Guarantees for treatment carried out.
All treatment undertaken at our Clinic is guaranteed. The condition of the guarantee is that after completion of any treatment, minimally some mouth hygiene care is taken advantage of here every year and in addition to this, keeps appointments for prescribed dental check-ups, and follows the dental hygiene programmes recommended by the dentist treating them. Appropriate home dental care is of not insignificant importance.
Dentistry and oral surgery are complex procedures involving true teamwork.
Our work colleagues bring to this dental clinic and oral surgery a full range of dental provision with appropriate training and practise at their disposal.
Our dentists, oral surgeons, implantologist, orthodontist, pediatric dentist and our consultants working within these fields can provide full provision of appropriate expert care.
Nowadays, dentistry is no longer a uniform specialty, because many still newer and different kinds of treatment methods require that we each undergo individual training.