La Porta Dental operate 2 clinics in two different cities in Budapest, one in the outskirts and another in the city center.
How does it work?
1. Send us a panoramic X-RAY and within 24-48 hours we will send you a personalized treatment plan and quotation.
2. We discuss the date of the treatment and you travel to Budapest on the given date.
3. Our dentists do the neccessary dental treatment at our world-class clinic.
4. You fly back home with your new, georgeous smile.
Why La Porta Dental? 20 years of experience with foreign patients - You can contact us every day of the year - You get a written guarantee of 1-10 years - Top qualified dentists with excellent references - Latest technologies and materials - Our dentist provide you with a certificate accepted by your insurance company if requested - New set of teeth in just one week - Medical and personal assistance - Based on a recent X-ray, 80-90% accurate quotation - We'll be your partners right from your showing interest, up through to your after-care - Free transfer - Accommodation offer.
Dental services: Free consultation and quote - Vigilant, awake sedation - Full, deep anesthesia - Bone replacement, augmentation - Intraoral Scanner - Crowns, Bridges, Inlays & Dentures - Overdenture - Extraction basic and surgical - Ceramic (metal free) dental implants - Zirconium (metal free) crowns - All on 4® and All on 6® the best immediate solutions - Tooth whitening (Zoom2) - Sinus lifting - TT Tooth Transformer
offer the longest warranty compared to what other clinics offer!
Dental implants (material) we offer for life-time!
Crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays, we offer 3-5 years (extendable)!
Overdentures, combinations and partial dentures offer more than 3-5 years
These, in most cases exceeds international standards. In case of implant failure our dentist will place another implant at no additional cost to you!
Our goal is... To prove that even dental treatment can be accomplished without pain, professionally, with excellent results both aesthetically and functionally - ENJOY YOUR SMILE!