Dr Rita Goulart
Job Title:
Principal Dentist Biography:
She have always been interested in understanding the overall general health, well-being and lifestyle of the individual. These factors can affect the long-term health of your teeth and gums. I believe a combined approach with naturopaths, homeopaths, physiotherapists, ear nose and throat specialists, chiropractors, Buteyko practitioners, oral myologists and others, can help you to achieve your best state of health. She studied Orthodontics (mini residency in orthodontics – Dr Derek Mahony), which opened my mind and network to a vast, and enlightening international community of dentists and doctors interested in the overall health of their patients, including the Orthotropics community and the Full Face Philosophy. She have been trusted in the past by many patients, not only for their dental work, but also because I genuinely care and listen to the patients to ensure they leave feeling satisfied and supported.