My daughter had just moved to Armenia and I was having a WhatsApp chat with her lamenting that I had just broken another crown in my mouth; the second one in a month. I had gotten an estimate at a local dentist that was around $10,000 just for that upper quadrant of my mouth. So my daughter jokingly said, "you should check out Armenia for dental work. It's a lot less expensive here.". A quick check online and I was finding sample prices 1/5 of what they are in the States. I retrieved my x-rays from my US dentist and sent them out to a couple of dental clinics in Yerevan and got a response the next day from Neva Clinic. Dr. Arman Sayadyan gave me an estimate for my whole mouth. This included 8 implants, 14 crowns, and some orthodontic work. This would be close to $40,000 in the US and well beyond what I want to spend as a retiree. His estimate was approximately $7000. I was shocked. After several texts back and forth quizzing him about materials and methods, I made an appointment to go there and get work done. The work was to be done in two stages: firstly, to get the broken crowned teeth fixed, put in the implants, and get the orthodontal work done. Secondly, after 6 months of waiting for the implants to heal, I would go again to get the remainder of the work done. I figured I wanted to visit my daughter anyway, so I might as well get my dental work done at the same time. Arriving at Neva clinic, I was pleasantly surprised with their command of the English language and they promptly got to work on my mouth. Within a few days all the work was done for this first stage and I did a little sightseeing while I was there. Everything healed up well, and 6 months later I was on a flight back to Armenia to finish the remaining work. This work took approximately 3 weeks and the staff at Neva clinic delivered on what they had promised. For the first time in decades, I have a full set of permanent teeth; no dentures. They look great! The fit-ups are perfect. It has been 3 months since Neva clinic did this work and I have had no problems whatsoever. I could not be happier with the work they did. I can now smile with confidence! I completely recommend them for your dental work. By the way, the cost of flights and staying in Yerevan was approximately $1,200 each trip. So my total cost was just under $10,000 for all this work... And, I got to see another country! The Armenian people are very pleasant! So, if you are considering some major dental work, consider going to Armenia and definitely go to Neva clinic.