About Mr A EL Gawad - Manchester
Mr EL Gawad insists on excellence from his team and staff and leads by example to maintain the highest quality of care for his patients 24/7.
Mr EL Gawad makes every effort to ensure that he meets your expectations. Every patient is offered a unique, personalised plan of care tailored to meet their needs.
Prior to your operation, you will have a one-to-one 30-50 mins consultation with Mr EL Gawad who will give you honest and professional advice. You be handed or emailed a detailed official leaflet about your procedure.
Mr EL Gawad then offers you a two-week cooling off period, according to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) in order to consider the options/information and make an informed decision about your care.
You will be given the opportunity of further consultation at no extra charge to assist you in making an informed decision about your treatment.
Following your operation, Mr El-Gawad will always visit you on the ward. Also, a further two follow-up appointments are included.
The full treatment journey, from the first consultation until discharge, is performed exclusively by your surgeon, Mr EL Gawad.
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