FUE - Follicular Unit Extraction
Globally applied FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a highly successful method which gives natural results both when taking the hair out and when transplanting the hair. There are some innovations in this method. DHI, Sapphire, Gold, Implantanium (etc.) techniques can be used. Your doctor will lead you to the best solution.
By FUE Method, hairs that are taken out from the donor area, are transplanted one by one to the required area. In this method, no bistouries are used, no stitches are put and no scars are left.
Before the operation, the patient’s hair is shortened to 1 mm by haircut. Both the donor and the target area are locally anaesthetized. Operation takes approximately 6-7 hours. As a result of local anesthesia, the patient doesn’t suffer from any kind of pain. After the operation the routine controls will be done and the patient can be discharged from hospital on same day.
The first hair wash should be done by the health staff. The first hair wash will take approximately 45 minutes. After all the patient will be given detailed information both in word and written text about aftercare steps.