I had my first appointment with Dr. Mehmet on the 8th of August. Today I had my last "operation" and the next visit at the clinic will be a check up. My experience with Dr. Mehmet and his colleague Dr. Oguzhan is the best.
To be met by a smiling, warm and calm doctor - when you are very nervous was actually the final step for me to get through this and to say yes: I will go for it.
Right now I can't stop watching my "new" face in the mirror - wondering why I was so nervous.
The staff at the clinic helped a lot to make this a positive experience. The price for all this - hhmm, where I come from I would have needed to pay double up, so I am not complaining. Thanks to Dr. Mehmet for a calm and steady hand, thanks to Dr. Oguzhan for a calm hand to reach out for and finally thanks to the staff for a lot of laughs.
My experience was really REALLY good.