Dr Tina Peters
Dr. med. Tina Peters studied human medicine in Berlin, Göttingen, Hanover and St. Louis (USA). Subsequently, she acquired the specialist for general surgery and subsequently the specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery with the additional qualification of hand surgery at the Medical University in Hannover (MHH). It passed through all surgical disciplines including cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgery, abdominal surgery, accident surgery as well as intensive and emergency medicine. Long stays abroad followed in the USA and Asia. In the clinic for plastic, hand and restoration surgery, MHH's severe-burn injuries center, she became a senior physician under the direction of Prof. Dr. med. Peter Vogt and was responsible for various areas of the clinic. Dr. Tina Peters gave lectures at numerous congresses, researched, supervised doctoral studies and gave lectures at the Medical College. In addition, she continues to develop herself and expand her repertoire through visits to renowned and internationally recognized plastic and aesthetic surgeons.