Dr Stefan Gonschior
Job Title:
Surgeon Biography:
A 18-year long odyssey of education rewarded Mr Gonschior with vast knowledge and a lot of titles (medical degree - 6 years, dental degree - 5 years, specialist cranio-maxillo-facial surgeon - 5 years, Plastische Operationen - 3 years, inclusive of a full cosmetic surgery fellowship in Cambridge). Parallel to this enormous education Mr. Gonschior did a lot of research which finalized with two doctoral theses (PhD's). During the last 20 years, the majority of Mr Gonschior´s operations has shifted from Reconstructive to Cosmetic Surgery. The number of surgeries, which Mr. Gonschior has performed has surpassed five-thousand. Due to his dual qualification, Injectables (treatment for wrinkles and fillers), dental implants (including the latest bone grafting techniques), fat transfer and facial threading techniques, are routinely performed treatments in his practice too.