Dr Stephen Harris
Registration Number:
Job Title:
Chief Executive
Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Sports Medicine
English Biography:
Steve a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Specialist in muscular and joint pain, graduated from the Welshinstitute of Chiropractic in 2002. Since then he has spent most of his Chiropractic working life serving theneeds of the local community in Pencoed and Bridgend.
Keen to follow his own advice he maintains a strict fitness routine and can often be seen in the localgym. “As I have trained and competed at Welsh and International level I know what the human bodyis capable of“ and “I believe that a combination of good nutrition, rest, exercise/rehabilitation andChiropractic Care can improve and heals most problems in the body“.
I became a Chiropractor as I come from a family who believes in Chiropractic care and who all seeChiropractors regularly, for example my mother has been seeing a chiropractor since she was in hertwenties and the benefits are for all to see as she is now in her sixties and probable one of the fittestand more supple people I have seen. Remember “we are born flexible and die stiff“ keep your mobilitywith Chiropractic...