Ms Sue Hewitt
Job Title:
Practice Therapist Biography:
Bsc (Hons); Msc; D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic)
BCA & GCC Registered Sue was born in Liverpool and spent much of her childhood training and competing as a national standard competitve swimmer. She graduated from her first degree in Sport and Exercise Science in 2000, and following this had a successful career as a personal trainer. She also trained as a Holistic Nutritionist/Reiki Master during this period. After some complex health problems that lead her to a Sacro-Occiptal Chiropractor, Sue decided to give up her career and go to study Chiropractic at the University of Glamorgan in South Wales. She graduated with a Master's Degree in 2009, and since then, has persued post graduate study in Sacro Occitial Technique. This technique is a specialised form of Chiropractic, which encompasses specific gentle adjustments of the skeletal system, visceral (organ) system, and craniopathy. As well as her own practice, Sue also works as Clinic Manager/Chiropractor at The Centre For Whole Helath in Lancashire, a CHEK rehabilation centre.