Dr Erika Mclean
Job Title:
General Practitioner Biography:
General Practitioner who has a special interest in dermatology and aesthetics. She performs injections at the clinic for facial wrinkles and dermal filler injections to treat deeper lines, lip augmentation and volume restoration.Dr Mclean is also highly trained in the use of different lasers and IPL devices to treat a wide range of skin problems (including facial veins, hair reduction, pigmentation and rejuvenation) and in the use of microsclerotherapy to treat spider leg veins.
Dr Erika Mclean also works locally in the Sussex Community Dermatology Service where she has lots of experience in dealing with a wide range of minor surgical procedures (including skin tags, cysts, seborrhoeic warts and moles) and medical skin problems (e.g. eczema, psoriasis, acne and rashes).