Bariatric Surgery Consultation (30 mins, 3 sessions)
Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide, with
increasing rates in adults and children. WHO views it as one of the most
serious public health problems of the 21st century. In western
countries a Body Mass Index (BMI - which is the ratio of the
individual’s weight divided by the body surface area in M2) more than 25
kg/m2 is considered overweight. Due to genetic tendency of Indians
towards abdominal obesity and its associated risk of related lifestyle
diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, obstructive sleep apnoea,
infertility, arthritis of the hips and knees, depression and social
ostracism. As per the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare along with
the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) updated guidelines of
2012 Indians with a BMI over 23 kg/m2 is considered overweight; over 25
is considered obese and more than 32.5 an indication for Bariatric
The preferred options are shown in the pictures