Acupuncture is the application of a pulsatingelectrical current to acupuncture needles as a means of stimulating theacupuncture points.
What conditions can be treated withelectro-acupuncture?
- Pain management: Acute or chronic pain,headache and migraine, neck and shoulder pain, lower back pain, sciatic nervepain, postherpetic neuralgia, fibromyalgia
- Neurological and motor diseases: Facial paralysis(bell's palsy), trigeminal neuralgia, cerebral palsy, neuritis, nerve paralysis
- Psychological and nervous conditions:Anxiety, phobias, depression, sleep disorders, stress.
- Stroke and cerebrovascular: Strokerehabilitation, post-stroke hemiplegia
- Dermatological: Itching, acne, rosacea,eczema, psoriasis, urticaria