I went to see McTimoney Chiropractic after visiting my GP practise twice with excrutiating back pain which was causing me to walk at a 'tilt' to my pelvis. The GP practise did not even examine me. But precribed the predictory Ibrufen and painkillers. Not being used to taking drugs, i did try to get some releif from using the painkillers and anti inflamatories to no avail. Desperate to have releif, i sought out the Mctimoney practise, recommended by a friend. The Chiropractor was very professional, very welcoming, and communicated well. He quoted his prices over the phone which, to be honest, I would have paid more if it only worked! I had no sleep, or comfort from the tablets. Only irritation.
After the 1st treatment, went home in still some pain. by visit two, it had subsided. visit three is due this Friday.I am back running,going to circuit training tomorrow to try it out. Work has been very stressfulthis week and the back has tightened again, but not so bad as before.